Senin, 04 Maret 2019

Maret 04, 2019

Women's Nutrition - Age does not only affect the body's condition, but also one's nutritional needs. Women need different nutritional intake in each phase of their age. This was stated by Susan Bowerman, Senior Director of Herbalife Nutrition Worldwide Nutrition Education and Training. This understanding is very important to know so that women can live in balance and enjoy a healthy life.

Here are some nutrients that women need to meet at all ages, according to Susan Bowerman.


Intake of water must be considered. The reason, activity that is dense at this age phase often makes women forget to meet their fluid needs. Susan also appealed to always bring a large water bottle every activity so that you can meet the 2 liters of fluid per day.

Susan also reminded women to pay attention to calcium and folic acid intake. Don't forget, at the age of 20 the body is still building bones. Strong bones will only be obtained if you consume at least 1,000 mg of calcium every day. These nutrients can be obtained from several types of foods such as yogurt, milk, tofu, sardines, and other sources of kalisum.


Women in their 30s should not adopt a diet like adolescence. At the age of 30, the metabolism begins to slow down and women start losing muscle mass. Susan suggested replacing food intake from processed carbohydrates, such as bread and cakes or sweet drinks, with the intake of fresh food and water.

Don't forget to exercise regularly. Women's muscle mass will decline by about five percent every decade, and this starts when you turn 30 years old. To maintain muscle mass, add a little weight training to the daily exercise portion. Also, don't forget to consume adequate amounts of protein to help avoid loss of muscle mass.


Don't be surprised if cholesterol levels and blood pressure rise. This is because you are getting closer to the menopause phase. Protect your heart with regular exercise and eating healthy foods. The best choices are dark green vegetables and fresh fruits.

In this phase, said Susan, it is important to pay attention to vitamin D intake which will help the body absorb calcium better. In addition, vitamin D can also help keep the immune system strong and protect you from the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer. Remember, the stores of vitamin D in the body will decrease when you reach the age of 40.

Antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E will also help prevent or delay cell damage that will cause aging. Foods recommended in this phase are red peppers, oranges, carrots, sweet potatoes, and nuts.


Based on data from The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, the risk of heart disease in women is higher when it turns 50. Consumption of fiber will help reduce cholesterol levels in the body, which will have a good impact on heart health. Fiber will also keep you full for longer to help control your weight.

Some studies explain that 10-30 percent of people aged 50 years and over experience a decrease in the body's ability to absorb vitamin B12. Therefore, it should be considered to add vitamin B12 supplements and increase Omega 3 intake by eating foods such as salmon, fish oil, and others.


You have a lot of free time in this phase, which can be used to carry out new activities such as going on vacation, taking classes, or exercising. Anyway, anything that can train the physical and brain performance regularly.

Nutritional intake coupled with probiotics is important in this age phase. The reason is that digestive health changes with age. Reduced good bacteria in the body will be followed by a decrease in the body's ability to absorb important nutrients. Therefore, it is necessary to take probiotics to stimulate the growth of good bacteria in the body.

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